Ward Hall is located at 1782 Frankfort Road (US 460 W) in Georgetown, KY. Click the "Directions" button above for more specific directions.
can be directed to
the Ward Hall Preservation Foundation, Inc. at
502-370-6621 or wardhall@wardhall.net
Our Mailing Address
Ward Hall Preservation Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1957
Georgetown, KY 40324
502-370-6621 wardhall@wardhall.net

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Welcome to Ward Hall
Ward Hall is the grandest Greek Revival residence in Kentucky, and one of the finest examples of a mid-nineteenth century classical building in the United States. It was completed circa 1857 at a cost of $50,000 in gold, and represents one of the most intact houses in the country.
Built for Junius Richard Ward and his wife Matilda Viley Ward, the mansion is attributed to British-born military engineer and Lexington architect, Major Thomas Lewinski. It was constructed by Taylor Buffington with the assistance of James Bailey, a free mixed-race man brought to Kentucky and educated by Ward. The house embodies numerous Minard Lafever design elements from his 1829 and 1835 pattern books.
The more than 12,000 square-foot house rises from a six-foot high brushed and hammered coquina limestone foundation with twenty foot wide heroic scale steps leading up to a portico supported by four 27-foot high fluted Corinthian columns with cast iron capitals and bases and the façade decorated on all four sides with pilasters and matching cast iron capitals set against Flemish bond brickwork. All window and door enframements on the exterior are cut stone.